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Puff pastry rolls with a paste of olives and dried tomatoes

For 24 persons. Results in about 150 small rolls.

Danish version


  1. Thaw the puff pastry (if frozen) about 15-120 minutes).

  2. Preheat the oven to 200° (use hot air).


  1. Remove the stones from the olives.

  2. Grate the cheese (finely).

  3. Rinse and pat dry the herbs and remove the stalks.

  4. Blend everything (but the pastry), adding oil until mash, but still quite firm

  5. Taste to season with pepper, and salt if needed (careful here…)

Making the rolls

Divide the pastry into 4 pieces, each about 175 g. For each of them:

  1. Roll it to a very thin 15-20 x 40 cm rectangle, between two sheets of baking paper

  2. Spread ¼ of the paste, and roll the sheets (from the long end, so the roll will not be too thick).

  3. (If possible, wrap in plastic and freeze for 20-30 minutes now to make it easier to slice)

  4. Cut the roll in ½-1 cm slices and put the slices on baking paper on baking trays. (Don’t worry if they are a little flat after slicing, they will be fine when baked).


  1. Bake for 12-15 minutes in 200° until they are golden/slightly dark – keep an eye on them.

  2. Chill for 5 minutes on a grate and serve

NOTE You may prepare the (unbaked) rolls in advance and store them in a freezer for several weeks (or a week in the refrigerator). If frozen, unthaw for an hour before slicing.



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