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Dough for 8 pizzas (165 g dough each)

Danish version


Making the dough

  1. Starter dough: Dissolve the yeast in 1/4 dl lukewarm water and stir it with 2 tsp flour. Let it raise under a damp cloth for about half an hour.
  2. Mixing
    1. Using a Mixer: Add all ingredients to the bowl and mix using low/medium speed for 10 minutes.
    2. By hand: Make a crater of the flour and add the starter dough, salt and the remaining water into the hole. Knead thoroughly for 5-8 minutes until the dough is smooth.
  3. Let it raise to double size (about 2 hours) by room temperature, covered by a damp cloth.
  4. Divide the dough into 8 parts, and knead each for about 2 minutes. Raise (covered by a damp cloth) for another 15 minutes.
  5. (You may now wrap in film and leave in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. The dough can also be frozen at this point).

Generic preparation

  1. Press/stretch a roll flat and THIN, about 20-25 cm in diameter) using a rolling pin.


  1. Move the pizza to a pizza spade, dusted with flour and add the topping.
  1. Spread the (not too liquid) tomato sauce on the pizza: Put 3 large tsp on the middle and distribute in circular movements until 2-3 cm from the edge. The edge stops the topping from escaping. 

NOTE: Some of the pizzas does NOT include tomato sauce

  1. Put thin slices of mozzarella (about 80-100g) on top of the sauce. Season with salt and pepper
  1. If other topping (like meat) is needed, add it before the cheese, so it will not dry out.
  1. Slide into a very warm oven (300º if possible), using a baking stone placed in the middle of the oven. Bake for 9-11 minutes, until the pizza is golden/light brown.
  2. If fresh herbs should be used (like basil or oregano), add it just before serving – don’t add before baking as they will dry out and loose most flavor.


Pizza Bianca: 100 g mozzarella in thin slices, 1 teasp salt, 1 tsp olive oil drizzled. (Add freshly grinded pepper just before serving.) Pizza bianca

Pizza al Gorgonzola: 50 g mozzarella in thin slices, 50 g gorgonzola in small bits, leaves of a stalk of a stalk of rosemary, 1 tsp of olive oil.

Pizza with capers, olives and sardels (anchovies): 200 g peeled tomatoes in coarse bits, 10 sardel filets, 5-6 black olives in small bits, 2 tsp capers, 1 tsp olive oil. Sprinkle 1 teasp oregano after baking. Pizza med kapers, oliven og sardeller

Pizza Marinara: 200 g peeled tomatoes in coarse bits, 1 glove of garlic in thin slices, 1 teasp oregano, 1 teasp salt, 2 tsp olive oil (no cheese!)

Pizza Margherita: 200 g drænede tomater (knug AL væde ud af flåede tomater) i grove tern, 80 g mozzarella i tynde skiver, 1 tsk salt, 1 spsk olivenolie. Til drys efter bagning: 5-6 basilikumblade (evt. groftskårne)

Pizza Napoletana: 200 g peeled tomatoes in coarse bits, 6-8 anchovies filets in small bits (not unchopped as in the picture – that’s too much), 2 teasp oregano, 1 tsp olive oil Pizza Napoletana

Pizza Verde: 50 g mozzarella in thin slices, 5 filets of anchovis, 1 handful finely chopped parsley, 1 tsp capers, 1 finely chopped glove of garlic, salt og peber, 2 tsp olive oil. Sprinkle after baking with 10 leaves of rocket in very coarse bits.a

Potatoe with rosemary: 75 g of raw potatie, very thinly sliced. Drizzle with olive oil, and a little rosemary. Season with salt and pepper.  


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